Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Special Birthday Party for Every Child

By  Lt. Col. William Mockabee, National Secretary for The Salvation Army’s World Service Office (SAWSO).
mockabee-smallerToday I am thrilled to join U.S. lawmakers and representatives of many partner organizations in effort called “5th Birthday and Beyond”.  Today’s event at the Capitol – both a thank you and a birthday party – celebrates the millions of children who are still alive today due to the unprecedented financial support and leadership Americans have given to support child survival programs in some of the poorest regions of the world.

We need to celebrate that the number of children under five who needlessly die every year has been cut in half since 1990.  And it’s not just fewer deaths, but also less sickness through efforts like the global eradication of polio. Birthday-Smaller
We must also remember that another 6.6 million young children will not reach their birthday this year if we do not continue to take action.  Since 1990, The Salvation Army has brought essential care to thousands of children through U.S.-funded child survival programs in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Haiti, Kenya, Guatemala, Zambia and South Africa.  Over the next five years, The Salvation Army will focus on working with our global network of  235 health facilities, 15,000 corps community centers, and new mobile medical clinics to expand access to life-saving care.
At The Salvation Army we are committed to doing the most good, and I know that we can save the lives of millions more every year. We just need people, like you, who continue to make children a priority, and leaders who share our courage and commitment.


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