Salvation Army Ministries
Women’s Ministries
The ideal basic unit of society is the home and family, where women play a vital and definitive role. Furthermore, as natural providers of hope, women play an important part in shaping society. Therefore any fellowship of women in which Christian influence is exerted and practical help given benefits not only the individual and the family, but also the nation. Women’s Ministries provide a programme of meetings and other activities based on the fourfold aim of the Army’s international women’s organisation, the Home League, which was inaugurated in 1907. The aims are worship, education, fellowship and service.The mission of Women’s Ministries is to:

- bring women into a knowledge of Jesus Christ
- encourage their full potential in influencing family, friends and community
- equip them for growth in personal understanding and life skills
- address issues which affect women and their families in the world.
Extended Ministries
The League of Mercy / Community Care Ministries
The League of Mercy began in 1892 in Canada and is made up of people of all ages whose mission is to engage in a caring ministry. The main objective of the League of Mercy is to respond to the spiritual and social needs of the community. The ministry is adapted according to the local situation, the size of its membership and the skill of its members, and endeavours to follow Christ’s injunction, ‘Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me’ (Matthew 25:40, AV).The Fellowship of the Silver Star
The Fellowship, inaugurated in the USA in 1930 and extended worldwide in 1936, expresses gratitude to parents or other significant life mentors of Salvation Army officers.The Salvation Army Medical Fellowship
The Salvation Army Medical Fellowship, instituted in 1943 by Mrs General Evalina Carpenter, is an international fellowship of dedicated medical personnel. Physical suffering in our world today challenges both the medical as well as the physical and emotional resources of medical personnel. The Fellowship today, with a worldwide membership of 8,257, encourages a Christian witness and application of Christian principles in professional life while at the same time being involved with practical application in hospitals, clinics and various other places of medical care. The motto of the Fellowship is: ‘If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another’ (1 John 1:7, AV).The Salvation Army Students’ Fellowship
The fellowship started in Norway in 1942 and later spread to other countries, receiving an official constitution in 1950. It comes under the world presidency of the General and has more than 9,000 members.The aim of the fellowship is to unite Salvationist students and graduates of universities, colleges and other centres of higher education, in Christian fellowship and such Salvation Army service as may be appropriate.
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