The Salvation Army is a Christian organisation and part of the universal Christian Church.

message and the lifestyle it advocates are based on the Bible's
teaching. Its work is to make known the good news about Jesus Christ and
to persuade people to become his followers.
The Salvation Army does is rooted in the faith of its members. The
confidence Salvationists have in a loving and caring God finds outward
expression in their love for humanity and their practical response to
human need.
devotions, Bible study (both personal and with others) and public and
private worship are encouraged in all our members.
We have many symbols, phases and emblems that capture the spirit and
motivation of our ministries. These help anchor us to the most
essential issues of our faith and spiritual lives. Below is a summary.
The Red Shield is an internationally recognised symbol of Salvation Army service to those in need. It
the shield we provide to people in need of help, whether it be
spiritually, physically, financially or emotionally. At the turn of the
20th century, one of the symbols of The Salvation Army was a silver
shield with the words 'Salvation Army' emblazoned across it. The shield
was worn as a badge by many Salvation Army personnel, particularly those
serving with the Defence Forces.
The crest is a meaningful symbol of the Salvationist's beliefs. Captain William Ebdon designed the
in 1878 and the only alteration to his original design was the addition
of the crown. Its emblems set forth the leading doctrines of The
Salvation Army as follows: The crown speaks of God's reward for His
faithful people The sun (the surround) represents the light and fire of
the Holy Spirit The 'S' stands for salvation from sin The cross of
Jesus stands at the centre of the crest and the Salvationist's faith The
swords represent the fight against sin The shots (seven dots on the
circle) stand for the truths of the Gospel 'Blood and Fire' is the motto
of The Salvation Army. This describes the blood of Jesus shed on the
cross to save all people, and the fire of the Holy Spirit which purifies

many denominations of the Christian Church have a distinctive form of
dress for the clergy, The Salvation Army is almost unique in its
allocation of its distinctively martial apparel for clergy and laity
alike. Salvationists advocate the priesthood of all believers, thus the
uniform (which relates to a priestly garb) is also worn by non-officers.
In a sense, a Salvation Army uniform is a Salvationist's "working
clothes" for mission. Uniforms have been worn in many forms since the
Army's earliest days. The first evangelists of the Christian Mission
(early name of The Salvation Army) wore suits of clerical cut, with
frock coats, tall hats and black ties. Women evangelists wore plain
dresses and small Quaker type bonnets. After the Mission became the Army
(1878), it was agreed that a military type uniform should be adopted.
The Salvationist's uniform currently serves three purposes:
internally its use provides a sense of identity and indicates
membership; externally it provides a widely recognised symbol of
availability and service; internationally it is the most recognised and
recognisable cultural icon for Salvationists, part of the glue that
holds the denomination together. The effect of uniform-wearing is to
give an extraordinarily high visibility and visual impact in public. The
negative effects that Salvationists have to guard against are
exclusivity within the Army's congregations and a sense of smugness or
spiritual superiority, and complacency (mistaking the wearing of
particular garments for being in a right relationship with God.
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